Facts about how medical abortions are performed

Medical abortion is recommended to women whose pregnancy is detected within the first trimester. The conception further needs to be tested to be non-ectopic and the woman needs to undergo formal clinical assessments to confirm the absence of any health conditions that may intervene the abortion procedure. Upon this, the gestation period of the pregnant individual is estimated and the dosage required the specified. The strict regimen of the abortion pills When you educate yourself about the method post making a choice to buy abortion pills , you may have come across statements that specify strict dosages and regimen for the medical abortion procedure. This is because the synergistic action of the two medicines involved in the process brings about a complete abortion. The first pill, which is an antiprogesterone drug prime the uterus. Its effects prepare this main female reproductive organ for the pregnancy termination . The thickened uterus lining formed from pregnancy-induced...