Where Can I Get the Abortion Pill & How Much Will It Cost?

Women are now becoming more aware of the various aspects of their reproductive health. To buy abortion pill and to avail other facilities is now easier than ever before. The once stigmatized abortion medication is much more accessible in the current day. With many countries like Ireland choosing to endorse abortion, women do not have to travel overseas to get abortion care. Where To Buy The Pills: The ease of availability is however met with a number of stringent regulations keeping in mind the safety facet of it. Abortion pills continue to remain a prescription medicine and not an over-the-counter drug. This means that you will need a prescription even to buy abortion pill online . Once you visit the doctor, confirm your conception and cross-out all the contraindications, you can choose to get the medication from the doctor itself. One can also upload the prescription to a trusted online pharmacy and get the prescribed medication delivered at your doorstep. Since most wome...