Why Should Mifepristone Be Taken With Misoprostol?

Mifepristone and Misoprostol are a popular drug combination of medical abortion. Food and Drug Administration of America approved the two pills to safely end the early pregnancy up to 8 weeks of gestation. It is important for women to understand that both pills are required to abort the pregnancy since both of them contribute to the medical pregnancy termination process. These two abortion pills are easily available in the abortion pill pack or you can even get an MTP kit online. We’ll see how both the pills contribute to the pregnancy termination procedure. Mifepristone: When you buy Mifepristone pill and administer the same, it does not typically give you immediate visible results. However, it does an important work of stopping the development of the pregnancy. The antiprogesterone elements in the pregnancy-growing hormones and seize the pregnancy growth. Some women may encounter slight bleeding, which again is normal to experience. If you take Mifepristone without ...